About Us

About Khajiit Names

Welcome to KhajiitNames.com, your go-to source for everything related to Khajiit in the Elder Scrolls universe. Whether you’re a fan of The Elder Scrolls games or just curious about the Khajiit race, you’re in the right place.

Our Goal

At KhajiitNames.com, we’re here to uncover the secrets of Khajiit culture, including their fascinating naming customs. Our aim is to provide a friendly place where gamers and lore lovers can explore, discover, and create authentic Khajiit names for their characters.

Meet Our Expert

Daniel Cook | Ja’Khajiit 

Head Loremaster & Founder

Hello there! I’m Daniel Cook, your guide through the sandy deserts of Elsweyr. With over 5 years of playing Elder Scrolls games, I’ve learned a lot about Khajiit lore, language, and naming traditions. I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge with anyone interested in the Khajiit culture.

What We Offer

Authentic Khajiit Names: Explore a collection of genuine Khajiit names that reflect the diversity of this cat-like race.

Name Generator: Use our fun Khajiit name generator to come up with unique names for your Elder Scrolls characters inspired by Khajiit naming styles.

Lore Insights: Read articles and guides that dive into Khajiit history, society, and language, adding depth to your adventures in Tamriel.

Join Our Community

Come along on this adventure with us and be part of the KhajiitNames.com community. Connect with others who share your interests, share your stories, and immerse yourself in the world of the Khajiit.

Get in Touch

Have questions or ideas? Want to say hello? Feel free to email us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!