300 Updated Female Khajiit Names (With Meanings) for 2025

By Daniel Cook

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Looking for the perfect name for your female Khajiit? You are in the right place! I have put together 300 unique names, each with its own meaning.

As you explore Elsweyr or go on adventures in Tamriel, having a great name for your Khajiit can make a big impact.

Let’s check out these beautiful female Khajiit names together! Feel free to share your favorites and help others find their perfect name too. Ready to find the ideal name for your female Khajiit?

Let’s get started!

Female Khajiit Names With Their Meanings

1AkharaBrave huntress
2ArinyaStar dancer
3AshiraKeeper of secrets
4AnzaliCalm waters
5AlrenyaMoonlit path
6AshalaSwift as the wind
7ArvanyaRadiant star
8AnaraGentle spirit
9AziraGuardian of the sands
10AlmarinKeeper of the wild
11AzhariDawn’s first light
12AsheliBold and fearless
13AlissaNoble protector
14AyaraMoon’s blessing
15AmaraEternal beauty
16ArminaProtector of kin
17AnrishaVoice of the mountains
18AyenraLight of the stars
19AzilaRadiant hope
20AsmiraGuardian spirit
21BelanyaBright star
22BirilaGentle and kind
23BelsaraFierce heart
24BilaraShield of the desert
25BaneiraWind’s whisper
26BelthariStrong as a lion
27BrilayaGraceful hunter
28BihariProtector of the realm
29BlanaraSunlit warrior
30BeyliraSong of the sands
31CaranirLight of the dawn
32CaliraSilent guardian
33CylenaKeeper of shadows
34CyminaNoble and wise
35CirelnaFierce spirit
36ChaziraWarrior of the moon
37CyrillaBright and brave
38CharayaHeart of the stars
39CelsiraProtector of the skies
40CeranyaGifted healer
41DelminaDefender of truth
42DarzaliMoonlit grace
43DaziraFlame of the night
44DyliraSilent strength
45DelsinaShining beacon
46DazinaShadow walker
47DivaraCourageous heart
48DalinyaWhisper of the wind
49DrisalaKeeper of peace
50DyreliaEternal protector
51ElythraRadiant moonlight
52EmziraSwift and sharp
53EzrinaFierce loyalty
54ElminaKeeper of the flame
55EryndaGuardian of dreams
56ErisayaGrace of the stars
57ElsharaBlessed one
58ElvaraSilent protector
59EzalynLight of the forest
60ElarinShadow’s grace
61FaylinaBright as the sun
62FeralyaProtector of the earth
63FyzaraMoonlit shadow
64FilaryaSong of the skies
65FelraniStarborn beauty
66FasharaFierce storm
67FeynaraGuardian of the wilds
68FilyraEternal light
69FelsiraNoble defender
70FaralynWhisper of the night
71GalendraWarrior’s strength
72GalythraKeeper of the stars
73GyreliaSilent flame
74GessiraProtector of harmony
75GerynaCourage of the moon
76GelsaraGift of the sands
77GilanyaNoble and fierce
78GysharaShield of the winds
79GynaraLight in the shadows
80GalynaRadiant dawn
81HaliraHunter of the night
82HaziraBold as the sun
83HyrellaGuardian of kin
84HilaynaGrace of the wild
85HelisraMoon’s blessing
86HarinyaProtector of dreams
87HarsiraSong of the winds
88HelaryaSpirit of the stars
89HilyraGentle strength
90HyliryaKeeper of the flame
91IsmiraLight of the world
92IlayraFierce huntress
93IrenyaGraceful warrior
94IvarynaProtector of truth
95ImzilaMoonlit path
96IrilynaGuardian spirit
97IzaliraRadiant star
98IsalynKeeper of harmony
99IlzaraShadow of the forest
100IrinayaStarborn protector
101ArlinaRadiant grace
102AreliaStarry guardian
103AlzaraLight of the moon
104AmiliraFierce flame
105AzrynnShadow’s touch
106AyasiraKeeper of balance
107AsmaraGifted healer
108AlithraStar chaser
109AzinyaEternal guardian
110AndrynaLight of dawn
111AzthiraMoon’s protector
112AurinyaGentle flame
113AvyraSwift wind
114AshylaBold protector
115AmorynKeeper of wisdom
116AlitharaDefender of peace
117AsenaraRadiant beauty
118AzalithSilent storm
119AelaraKeeper of the wild
120AyindraBright star
121BrynnaraMoonlit guardian
122BelythraSong of the forest
123BrezaliaCourageous warrior
124BalynthaKeeper of secrets
125BaranysProtector of the tribe
126BlyrissaGentle storm
127BarazynShield of the stars
128BelorynSilent flame
129BrenysiaBold heart
130BylythraWhisper of the sands
131CalyraMoon’s harmony
132CezelnaEternal protector
133CarinthaDefender of kin
134CyrinayaGuardian of the skies
135ChylysiaFierce huntress
136CeralythSong of the stars
137CylthiraBright warrior
138CharizynFlame of courage
139ClynnaraSpirit of the winds
140CeralyraRadiant strength
141DyrlinaStarry flame
142DelrynnKeeper of harmony
143DyvaliraGrace of the sands
144DelysiraShield of truth
145DralynthaSilent strength
146DavynaraBold heart
147DelythraGentle light
148DalizaraMoon’s guardian
149DelyrinaEternal peace
150DrenyssaStarborn beauty
151ElvanyaRadiant moonlight
152EzalithraKeeper of shadows
153ErylyssaFierce guardian
154EsilthraNoble spirit
155ElinaraStarry protector
156EzlitharaShield of grace
157ElystriaLight of the wilds
158ElanythraEternal moon
159ErisylraKeeper of balance
160EzalynthaRadiant dawn
161FaeliraNoble flame
162FelythraGentle storm
163FarisylraBright warrior
164FelynaraSpirit of the night
165FarynthraKeeper of dreams
166FelyranaBold protector
167FaelynthaEternal star
168FyrilyssaShield of the earth
169FarylizaraMoonlit grace
170FynalithraSong of courage
171GalithraSilent strength
172GyrlanaraKeeper of the sands
173GalyzinnaFierce hunter
174GerynthraGuardian of harmony
175GylnthiraBright protector
176GynelithraRadiant moon
177GynaliraSpirit of courage
178GalysiraStarry beacon
179GylryssaraNoble strength
180GelarisaEternal storm
181GynaliraKeeper of the wild
182HaralithraSong of the skies
183HilyssaraBold light
184HarisylraMoon’s grace
185HyrynthraRadiant protector
186HelarynthaSpirit of the stars
187HarsylthraKeeper of truth
188HelisyrraGentle flame
189HarisylraEternal beacon
190HylenythraNoble strength
191HelarilysaSilent grace
192IsylithraKeeper of peace
193IrylanaraSpirit of the sands
194IzalyrnaBold guardian
195IsarilysraMoonlit hunter
196IlariynthaBright storm
197IrinylthraEternal light
198IlyrannaShield of harmony
199IsrillyssaGrace of the forest
200IrilytharaNoble dawn
201AshiraSwift and noble
202AhnaviBright moon
203AsmiraProtector of harmony
204AlraviGuardian of the stars
205AhriniFlame of courage
206AnarilRadiant dawn
207AyarimSong of the winds
208AmilaraGentle flame
209AkilariSpirit of the wild
210AnzariStarry protector
211BahtaraFree spirit
212BasaraThe noble one
213BhaliraStrong and wise
214BesharaBrightness of the sun
215BaniraProtector of the night
216BilenkaPeaceful traveler
217BakiraOne who sees clearly
218BellinaBenevolent heart
219BeloraSweet song
220BirashaWild heart
221CamilraThe calm one
222ChashaBold spirit
223CirahEyes of wisdom
224ChirahFierce spirit
225CoraSpirit of light
226ChireenLoving soul
227DarzaSpirit of the moon
228DahrinShining heart
229DabriaSoft wind
230DeyraBrave heart
231DelaraDaughter of the moon
232DhaniraProtector of the earth
233DiyaBright star
234DaliraGuide of light
235DyaraGuardian of the earth
236ElehanaSweet spirit
237EloraRadiance of the sun
238EkiraWanderer under the stars
239EminaLovely soul
240ElariaGraceful one
241FarinaKeeper of the flame
242FadiraEarth spirit
243FiraFire of courage
244FahiyaCalm breeze
245FaliraSpirit of wisdom
246FrithaFriendship and strength
247FalaniSong of the wind
248FidaProtector of the land
249FiraFlame bearer
250GahanaGraceful heart
251GalinaPure of heart
252GeshaSpirit of love
253GehiraNoble protector
254GiraniWarrior spirit
255GahiraPeaceful protector
256GrivaGentle warrior
257GhenaraVoice of the earth
258GildaBrave and strong
259GhaniaProtector of the wild
260GisaGuardian spirit
261HadiyaJoyful and radiant
262HariraProtector of life
263HeshaLeader of the stars
264HaniaBlessed with strength
265HilaraProtector of the stars
266HahiraProtector of the sun
267HelinaGuardian of the moon
268HelaSpirit of the wild
269HadenyaBrave protector
270ImaraWise and strong
271IsharaVoice of the moon
272IrilaHeart of the wild
273IrinaProtector of the earth
274IldaStrong protector
275IlharaMighty protector
276IrinaSerene spirit
277IshaSpirit of wisdom
278ImiraProtector of the soul
279IshanahEternal spirit
280IsaraProtectress of the night
281JaliyaBlessed with beauty
282JihiraProtector of the light
283JannaSpirit of the moon
284JiloraMoonlit dancer
285JisraSilent protector
286JamarahKeeper of the land
287JameeraSpirit of the stars
288JidraBrave heart
289JeharaDefender of the sun
290JoriProtector of the wild
291KishaWise and graceful
292KairaKeeper of light
293KhenaraEarth spirit
294KariraProtector of souls
295KismaWise and kind
296KilaraFlame of the sun
297KhiraGuardian of the wild
298KarianaBright heart
299KhamiraSilent protector
300KahlaraStrong protector

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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