200 Updated Good Khajiit Names (With Meanings) for 2025

By Daniel Cook

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Are you looking for a cool name for your Khajiit character? You’re in luck! I’ve put together a list of “200 Good Khajiit Names (With Meanings)” just for you. Whether you’re playing Elder Scrolls or creating your own story, finding the right name is super important.

Each name in the list is chosen to match the Khajiit spirit, giving your character a special identity. From brave warriors to clever rogues, every name comes with its own meaning, making your character even more interesting.

Ready to find the perfect name for your Khajiit? Click the link below to check out the full list and give your character a name they’ll love!

Good Male Khajiit Names With Their Meanings

1Ra’zirrSwift hunter
2J’zargoAmbitious traveler
3Daro’kaiStar seeker
4Mo’sharWise counselor
5K’harjoFearless warrior
6Qa’dojoMighty protector
7S’khanSilver fang
8Do’kharShadow dancer
9Zan’hirThunder roar
10Khaji’joDesert wanderer
11Ti’graAgile pounce
12V’karMoonlit blade
13J’darjoSun-kissed warrior
14Ra’sherEternal seeker
15Zir’darNight stalker
16Ma’karaFire walker
17Dro’karIce whisperer
18Kha’jornSandstorm fury
19Sha’ranSilent shadow
20Mo’kaiWind rider
21Jo’zirrSwift claw
22Ra’khanMoonlit predator
23Azar’joMystic traveler
24Daro’karStarry dancer
25Zan’sharThunder’s embrace
26Ri’zirrQuiet hunter
27S’karoSilver arrow
28J’daerSunfire dancer
29Ra’karaMoonlit blaze
30Do’kharjoShadow guardian
31Jo’khanSwift fang
32Zir’qoNight whisperer
33Sha’kaiSilent hunter
34Ma’khanFlame guardian
35Qa’zirrMighty claw
36Ri’karaQuiet blaze
37Daro’qoStarry whisperer
38V’kharMoonlit warrior
39J’zirrAmbitious hunter
40Ra’sharjoEternal guardian
41Khaji’kaiDesert flame
42Ti’sharAgile shadow
43V’karoMoonlit arrow
44S’kaiSilver hunter
45Zan’darThunder dancer
46Mo’kharWind guardian
47Kha’joSandstorm prowler
48Dro’qoIce whisper
49Do’karaShadow blaze
50Jo’zirrjoSwift traveler
51Sha’khanSilent warrior
52Zir’darjoNight’s protector
53J’karaAmbitious blaze
54Ra’khanjoMoonlit traveler
55Khaji’koDesert wanderer
56Ti’darAgile star
57V’karjoMoonlit protector
58S’kharSilver dancer
59Zan’joThunder’s fury
60Mo’sharjoWise traveler
61K’karFearless guardian
62Qa’darMighty star
63Ra’qoSwift whisperer
64J’kaiAmbitious flame
65Daro’zirrStarry hunter
66Mo’qoWise whisper
67K’harjojoFearless traveler
68Qa’karaMighty blaze
69S’karjoSilver protector
70Zan’sharjoThunder’s guardian
71J’khanAmbitious warrior
72Ra’karSwift blaze
73Khaji’darDesert seeker
74Ti’karaAgile traveler
75V’kharjoMoonlit traveler
76S’kharjoSilver traveler
77Zan’jojoThunder traveler
78Mo’sharjoWise traveler
79K’karjoFearless traveler
80Qa’darjoMighty traveler
81Ra’qojoSwift traveler
82J’kaijoAmbitious traveler
83Daro’zirrjoStarry traveler
84Mo’qojoWise traveler
85K’harjojoFearless traveler
86Qa’karaMighty traveler
87S’kharjoSilver traveler
88Zan’sharjoThunder traveler
89J’khanjoAmbitious traveler
90Ra’karjoSwift traveler
91Khaji’darjoDesert traveler
92Ti’karajoAgile traveler
93V’kharjojoMoonlit traveler
94S’kharjojoSilver traveler
95Zan’jojoThunder traveler
96Mo’sharjojoWise traveler
97K’karjojoFearless traveler
98Qa’darjojoMighty traveler
99Ra’qojojoSwift traveler
100J’kaijojoAmbitious traveler

Good Female Khajiit Names With Their Meanings

1J’zaraGraceful dancer
2Ra’saraStarlight beauty
3Daro’riSwift hunter
4S’jaraMoonlit wanderer
5Asha’raBright dawn
6M’zaraGentle whisper
7Kali’raSwift wind
8Nira’ziShining jewel
9Suri’raDesert rose
10Kha’raGolden sun
11Lina’ziSilent night
12Rani’raQueen of the sands
13Hala’raJoyful laughter
14Zira’ziGraceful grace
15Mara’raOcean’s melody
16Leena’riSwift shadows
17Azura’raAzure sky
18Zena’raEternal wisdom
19Nadia’ziMorning dew
20Amara’raEternal beauty
21Khali’raDesert breeze
22Isra’ziNight’s veil
23Talia’raSwift river
24Zara’raMidnight dancer
25Sana’raRadiant light
26Kaia’ziSerene waters
27Mali’raWhispering wind
28Raja’raJewel of the sands
29Nala’raBlooming flower
30Zira’raSilver moon
31Lila’ziTwilight song
32Aria’raSongbird of the desert
33Zara’ziDusk’s embrace
34Kara’raGolden sands
35Amara’ziEternal night
36Maya’raEnchanting gaze
37Kira’ziStarlit sky
38Nisha’raShadow dancer
39Zara’riWhispering shadows
40Jana’raSwift gazelle
41Tara’ziEvening star
42Suri’ziDesert wind
43Lila’raNight’s melody
44Azura’ziSapphire eyes
45Kali’ziSwift arrow
46Zena’ziEternal flame
47Leena’raMoonlit path
48Maya’ziEnigmatic whispers
49Amira’raEternal grace
50Sana’ziRadiant dawn
51Zira’riSilken whispers
52Nadia’raMorning mist
53Mira’ziStarlit grace
54Raja’ziJewel of the night
55Lina’raShadow’s embrace
56Asha’ziDawn’s glow
57Kira’raStarlight dance
58Tara’raTwilight beauty
59Nala’ziBlossoming rose
60Zena’raEternal bloom
61Maya’raEnchanting melody
62Jana’ziSwift river’s song
63Amira’ziEternal wanderer
64Suri’raDesert lily
65Azura’raSapphire dreams
66Raja’raJewel of the sky
67Lila’ziNight’s whisper
68Kali’raSwift flame
69Zira’ziSilken moonlight
70Nala’raRose of the desert
71Mira’raStarlit beauty
72Tara’ziTwilight shadow
73Nisha’ziShadow’s embrace
74Sana’raRadiant dawn
75Zena’riEternal shadow
76Leena’raMoonlit whispers
77Kira’raStarlight melody
78Maya’ziEnigmatic dreams
79Asha’ziDawn’s embrace
80J’zaraGraceful night
81Rani’raQueen of the moon
82Zara’raMidnight’s glow
83Nadia’raMorning star
84Amara’ziEternal wanderlust
85Suri’ziDesert song
86Lila’raNight’s bloom
87Kali’ziSwift shadow
88Zira’ziSilken twilight
89Nala’ziRose of the night
90Mira’raStarlit whisper
91Tara’ziTwilight breeze
92Nisha’ziShadow of the moon
93Sana’raRadiant star
94Zena’riEternal melody
95Leena’raMoonlit beauty
97Maya’ziEnigmatic grace
98Asha’raDawn’s melody
99J’zaraGraceful dancer
100Ra’saraStarlight beauty

These names reflect the beauty, mystique, and elegance often associated with Khajiit culture.

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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