200 Khajiit Names That Start With I (with Meanings)

By Daniel Cook

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Khajiit Names That Start With I

Looking for a Khajiit name that starts with “I”? You’re in the right place! I made a list of 200 Khajiit Names That Start With I (With Meanings) to help you pick the perfect one.

Whether your Khajiit is a tough warrior or a clever thief, there’s a name here for you. Each name also comes with a meaning to make it even better.

Want to find the best Khajiit name that starts with “I” name? Click below to check out the full list!

Male Khajiit names starting with the letter “I,” along with their meanings

1IrandarSteadfast guardian
2IshiriBright flame
3IskarSilent hunter
4IrraviTwilight dancer
5IkarnMountain shadow
6IllraviEternal flame
7ImirinGentle wind
8IrratokNight’s howl
9IthariSword of truth
10IlanarRising sun
11IkaroSwift claw
12IrsithMoonlit watcher
14IrimakWise seer
15IsorilSilent wisdom
16IllamarKeeper of secrets
17IshkatSilent shadow
18IthialWindswept plains
19IlrazarGuardian flame
20IkashirMountain sentinel
21IkranMoonlight seeker
22IrellokForest spirit
23IsmiriGraceful stalker
24IlyarGentle breeze
25IradakFiery spirit
26IssinarSilent protector
27IrmalDream walker
28IktariHidden truth
29IrmorPath seeker
30IlanakEternal spark
31IrazirRising wind
32IkarthLoyal guardian
33IkrenarGraceful hunter
34IsharHidden flame
35IlkhanSilent tide
36IrvalTwilight shadow
37IsdanKeeper of time
38IthmorShadow stalker
39IlaminDream chaser
40ImrathWinds of change
41IthalirProtector of the weak
42IrdemirGentle soul
44IsarilEthereal grace
45IsharonShadow keeper
46IsronarRising storm
47IrziSilent ember
48IlenarGuardian of dreams
49ItharilMoonlit path
50IkithWisdom keeper
51IsorakHunter of dawn
52IkronForest guide
53IllathEternal grace
54IshivarFlame bearer
55IrilanSilent strength
56IrganMystic traveler
57IkazirHidden star
58IthkarPath of courage
59IkromarKeeper of the wild
60IskathGraceful protector
61IketharDreaming fire
62IllarnEternal harmony
63IrharWinds of destiny
64ImvalShadow dancer
65IktharMoonlit flame
66IrdothSeeker of peace
67IslavarSilent wind
68IkalarGuardian of the forest
69IskaranKeeper of the flame
70IkatharTwilight flame
71IldanorForest whisper
72IsliriHidden shadow
73IromirRising tides
74IrdarinSeeker of balance
75IshvarilGraceful spirit
76IkimTwilight watcher
77IrrakShadow bearer
78IrdarilKeeper of the breeze
79IrenorMoonlight traveler
80IlzanMystic sentinel
81IslorilSilent whisper
82IlkethDreamer of stars
83IkothanWindswept spirit
84IrgathProtector of the lost
85IsloranFlame of eternity
86IrrimarEternal dusk
87IkshanDreaming shadow
88IsrinKeeper of the storm
89IllamonSeeker of light
90IszariGraceful dusk
91IlmalarGentle protector
92IkimorWisdom’s flame
93IsdenarTwilight dream
94IrthakShadow spark
95IshorilSilent moon
96IkvalarGuardian of light
97IlamorMystic hunter
98IrandarFlame of peace
99IshiriSteadfast guardian
100IskarBright flame

Female Khajiit names starting with the letter “I,” along with their meanings

1IlanariRadiant light
2IshmaraDancing flame
3ImraviGentle breeze
4IltaniShimmering wave
5IrnassaGuiding star
6IthmiraMoonlit grace
7IsanariSoaring melody
8IrvaliaGolden dawn
9IllarienEternal hope
10IrsamiraWhispering wind
11IkarraSparkling stream
12IssaliaSilent guardian
13IrinalaEnduring flame
14IsharielTwilight whisper
15IlrathaSinging heart
16ImserraGraceful path
17IvalaraHeavenly bloom
18IlemiraTranquil spirit
19IshivaniVivid dream
20IrthinaHidden pearl
21IsnarithBright serenity
22IthirielCelestial glow
23IltharaFlowing river
24IrmiraRadiant whisper
25IsarielEthereal presence
26IkarinaHidden gem
27IssirithMystic light
28IlvarisSoaring wind
29ImthaniLuminous essence
30IrvalisDreamy wave
31IshonaGentle rhythm
32IllinaraBlossoming grace
33IrsalithFlowing tranquility
34IlyrienHarmonious melody
35IsheliaGlowing ember
36IlthaniSerene horizon
37ImarianCelestial melody
38IrthielEnchanted stream
39IsvarinDawn’s radiance
40IkarithMoonlit reflection
41IshmiraStarry dream
42IlenithSilent wisdom
43IrvannaTwilight grace
44IssiriWhispering dawn
45IlrinaEternal rhythm
46IrmelisGuiding glow
47IsothiaGentle harmony
48ImaliraEnchanted breeze
49IkarinaRadiant melody
50ItharielShimmering essence
51IrithilSoothing tide
52IseniaTwilight melody
53IllaniraHarmonious light
54IrsariaBright harmony
55IsmiraEthereal glow
56IverithFlowing melody
57IsalinaTranquil whisper
58IthilaraCelestial rhythm
59ImalithEnchanted harmony
60IrminiaMoonlit serenity
61IshalithGuiding rhythm
62IrleniaWhispering bloom
63IlamiraRadiant tranquility
64IsvalithDreamy essence
65ImonaraGentle spark
66IrthaniLuminous bloom
67IsraliaTwilight serenity
68IthmiraGraceful harmony
69IllanaraBright horizon
70IrvalithStarry glow
71IsalithEthereal melody
72ItharielEnchanted radiance
73ImrathisGuiding star
74IlminiaSoaring essence
75IrthalithHarmonious grace
76IsmariethMoonlit glow
77IsharnisEnchanted tide
78IlyrinaGentle light
79IsothalTwilight spark
80ImvaliraGuiding moon
81IrmelinaSoaring bloom
82IshirielBright melody
83IllanirRadiant wave
84IrsiniaHarmonious rhythm
85IsalorinMoonlit dream
86IrmalithDreamy glow
87ItharilCelestial spark
88ImraliaEthereal breeze
89IlrathisSilent glow
90IsvaliraShimmering horizon
91IrminaraFlowing dream
92IsharielWhispering grace
93IllothiaEnchanted ember
94ImrialethCelestial harmony
95IvenaraTranquil dream
96IsralinLuminous spark
97IrmelithRadiant light
98ItharilisDancing flame
99ImtharilGentle breeze
100IsvaniaShimmering wave

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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