200 Khajiit Names That Start With K (with Meanings)

By Daniel Cook

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Khajiit Names That Start With K

Choosing a Khajiit name can be hard! I wanted one that started with “K,” but nothing I thought of felt right.

After searching online for hours, I decided to make a list to help others.

Here are 200 Khajiit names that start with K, with meanings to make it easier. Whether your Khajiit is a fighter or just loves to nap, there’s a name here for them.

Click below to see the list and find your favorite!

Male Khajiit names starting with the letter “K,” along with their meanings

1K’andarFierce protector
2K’azirSilent hunter
3K’arathStrong leader
4K’harimBright flame
5K’loranBrave warrior
6K’mareshGentle strength
7K’vorrVigilant guardian
8K’darunEnduring wind
9K’thalarMystic path
10K’razirBold shadow
11K’navorFearless protector
12K’marathSilent strength
13K’zinrahSharp claw
14K’rovahCalm storm
15K’tharisGuardian of secrets
16K’hazirSwift wind
17K’varrahShining beacon
18K’daranTrue path
19K’roranNoble defender
20K’maharaMighty soul
21K’vashirWise protector
22K’hanzarGolden warrior
23K’zarithSteady guide
24K’tanvirBold explorer
25K’rohzarShadow walker
26K’lahnirCalm presence
27K’harranFierce hunter
28K’varimSilent storm
29K’drahirWatchful gaze
30K’zarashSpirit of the wild
31K’narothStalwart companion
32K’virothRadiant light
33K’hamarKeeper of peace
34K’mirashEnduring soul
35K’zarrahBright claw
36K’tharimProtector of the weak
37K’vandarWind traveler
38K’rorashSilent flame
39K’hazramGolden heart
40K’darashBrave path
41K’zahramGuardian spirit
42K’narimWatchful wind
43K’thavirSpirit of courage
44K’votharFierce will
45K’morathGentle guide
46K’hazanGolden flame
47K’lorashSilent guardian
48K’zarimSteady shadow
49K’rovanCalm protector
50K’thalorMystic light
52K’rahzirBright path
53K’vandroBold wanderer
54K’hatharGuardian of the wind
55K’zinrahSharp presence
56K’marthEnduring strength
57K’rorimNoble flame
58K’zharinProtector of dreams
59K’rotharBold defender
60K’lavirWatchful spirit
61K’tharonKeeper of the wild
62K’vazirSilent courage
63K’marimSteady flame
64K’zarvinSpirit of endurance
65K’ronarBold protector
66K’hazrimGolden soul
67K’danvirRadiant heart
68K’lahmarCalm strength
69K’vatharSwift guardian
70K’zarionGentle protector
71K’thovarMystic defender
72K’vrazirBold presence
73K’harrimFierce path
74K’lorimSilent guide
75K’zahronWatchful light
76K’vothanRadiant journey
77K’marzirSpirit of strength
78K’ralorGuardian of peace
79K’thanirKeeper of the flame
80K’zarashBright spirit
81K’darionEnduring path
82K’rahvanNoble protector
83K’lavarSwift presence
84K’vazronBold warrior
85K’marathEnduring journey
86K’lahzirWatchful guide
87K’ronzirGentle flame
88K’hatharProtector of secrets
89K’vazanSwift spirit
90K’thanorRadiant guardian
91K’zarimSteady path
92K’rorashBold presence
93K’darimNoble guide
94K’lahvanCalm journey
95K’votharSpirit of wisdom
96K’zarothGuardian of the wild
97K’hazirSilent protector
98K’rotharBold light
99K’marzirGentle warrior
100K’lahnarRadiant strength

Female Khajiit names starting with the letter “K,” along with their meanings

1K’alaraGraceful moon
2K’arinaStrong breeze
3K’samiraGentle guardian
4K’tharlaRadiant flame
5K’viraBright star
6K’haraniCalm strength
7K’laraPure heart
8K’naraSwift shadow
9K’valiraGolden spirit
10K’marshaEnduring light
11K’zamiraSilent protector
12K’haziraFierce wind
13K’daniraWise guide
14K’lorinaShining path
15K’vanyaCourageous soul
16K’mariSerene flame
17K’zarinaNoble presence
18K’raniraWatchful guardian
19K’lathiraKeeper of peace
20K’sareniProtector of dreams
21K’mahiraGuardian of the wild
22K’ralinaRadiant horizon
23K’vaziraBold spirit
24K’halinaTrue strength
25K’thaviraSteadfast companion
26K’zaniraSilent wanderer
27K’valaraShining flame
28K’dareniEnduring courage
29K’laniraGentle path
30K’rathiraWatchful wind
31K’shalinaBrave protector
32K’loraniGolden journey
33K’hariraKeeper of wisdom
34K’mirenaBright soul
35K’zareniSilent strength
36K’thaniraStrong presence
37K’valinaNoble guide
38K’lahiraSwift light
39K’morinaSpirit of the wind
40K’dahliraProtector of the stars
41K’vasharaSteady flame
42K’zanilaEnduring star
43K’raliraWatchful light
44K’valiyaRadiant guardian
45K’malinaSerene star
46K’zarishaSilent dreamer
47K’haniraFierce protector
48K’thaliraKeeper of secrets
49K’saviraGentle flame
50K’lanaraBold horizon
51K’maliraSpirit of strength
52K’harishaShining protector
53K’valoraTrue guide
54K’danilaEnduring wisdom
55K’zarishaSilent journey
56K’vashiraBold heart
57K’lahiraGolden wind
58K’marilaBright protector
59K’zaniraWatchful presence
60K’ralishaRadiant peace
61K’vashilaSpirit of courage
62K’lorishaSilent soul
63K’mahilaSerene light
64K’hanilaFierce journey
65K’tharilaKeeper of the flame
66K’sarilaBold guardian
67K’morishaShining strength
68K’vaniyaEnduring guide
69K’dahliraGentle star
70K’lahinaRadiant wanderer
71K’marishaShining heart
72K’zarilaGentle guide
73K’halishaSwift strength
74K’valishaEnduring soul
75K’ranilaRadiant dream
76K’lorinaNoble light
77K’savishaSpirit of peace
78K’lahilaFierce protector
79K’zalinaSilent flame
80K’marishaWatchful strength
81K’valiraShining guardian
82K’lanilaGolden dreamer
83K’thaliraRadiant flame
84K’daniraKeeper of light
85K’zarinaSilent guide
86K’vasharaTrue protector
87K’lahiraEnduring flame
88K’mariraBold path
89K’valishaSpirit of wisdom
90K’zarilaRadiant guardian
91K’danishaWatchful light
92K’thalinaGentle protector
93K’lahilaShining strength
94K’marishaGolden horizon
95K’zarishaTrue flame
96K’valiraSpirit of endurance
97K’lanilaKeeper of the stars
98K’vasharaBold light
99K’marilaShining heart
100K’lahishaGentle guide

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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