200 Khajiit Names That Start With M (with Meanings)

By Daniel Cook

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Khajiit Names That Start With M

Picking a Khajiit name isn’t easy, especially if you want one that starts with “M.” I get it! That’s why I made a list of “200 Khajiit Names That Start With M (With Meanings)” to help you out.

Each name has a meaning to make your Khajiit extra special. Whether they’re a brave fighter, a sneaky thief, or just enjoy a good nap in the sun, there’s a name for everyone.

Ready to find the perfect “M” name? Click below to check out the full list!

Male Khajiit names starting with the letter “M,” along with their meanings

1M’rahnHunter of the stars
2M’horahSilent protector
3M’zarriOne who travels the desert
4M’jarlBrave protector
5M’darrKeeper of the night
6M’kharStrong protector of the wild
7M’razzhHunter of the shadows
8M’riimLoyal companion
9M’zarroWatcher of the moon
10M’rohanWanderer of the sands
11M’draviSilent protector of the wild
12M’atharSpirit of the moon
13M’vaariGuardian of the light
14M’shiraWatcher of the stars
15M’rakalProtector of the dunes
16M’laroProtector of the earth
17M’thaviSeeker of the stars
18M’rinovBrave as a lion
19M’narMighty warrior
20M’kriisFierce and loyal
21M’rahzSilent warrior
22M’rajaLord of the desert
23M’vahnPeacekeeper of the wild
24M’rilenGuardian of the dusk
25M’rakorProtector of the mountains
26M’zaroNoble heart
27M’khelBrave protector of the desert
28M’naiSeeker of the truth
29M’lynnSpirit of the wind
30M’rashaBrave and loyal
31M’thassaWatcher of the dawn
32M’halinSilent guide
33M’shaviProtector of the night
34M’rithKeeper of the past
35M’rissSpirit of the desert
36M’jiroProtector of the lost
37M’zharoFearless protector
38M’vohriLoyal friend
39M’kalProtector of the moon
40M’dhariHunter of the night
41M’rahzziKeeper of the flame
42M’tahriBrave protector of the wild
43M’shaarNoble warrior
44M’rothiGuardian of the stars
45M’nakriProtector of the desert
46M’razaSilent protector of the land
47M’kanoWatcher of the horizon
48M’vasharOne who protects the weak
49M’khorNoble warrior of the sands
50M’roharrSeeker of the wisdom
51M’rannoBrave heart
52M’ziroLoyal companion
53M’valasSilent as the night
54M’thaviirProtector of the forgotten
55M’halsharFearless protector
56M’varrinLoyal friend
57M’ravaanProtector of the moon
58M’nozhHunter of the night
59M’rokaarKeeper of the flame
60M’rahkaarBrave protector
61M’zelorGuardian of the wind
62M’torakProtector of the kingdom
63M’vaakirSeeker of the ancient wisdom
64M’riinovFearless warrior
65M’raasiiNoble protector
66M’vashaBrave heart
67M’lalnLoyal companion
68M’nohrProtector of honor
69M’krahkGuardian of the fire
70M’karziWatcher of the stars
71M’rahkhBold protector
72M’rohnarSeeker of knowledge
73M’zarashSilent protector of the night
74M’vatharDefender of the sands
75M’khaazKeeper of the desert
76M’narahSeeker of peace
77M’rhassanGuardian of the dawn
78M’zaalProtector of the wild
79M’kallanBold protector of the sands
80M’zanarSpirit of the night
81M’rashtNoble heart
82M’raaznWatcher of the horizon
83M’linarFearless protector
84M’halnarKeeper of the kingdom
85M’khassSilent protector of the earth
86M’zhrakDefender of the light
87M’vashariGuardian of the wind
88M’ratharWatcher of the forgotten
89M’raksharProtector of the moon
90M’shavarKeeper of the flame
91M’rakasSpirit of the jungle
92M’vannokBrave protector
93M’khareshGuardian of the wind
94M’rharinProtector of the skies
95M’shrataSilent guide of the sands
96M’zavahKeeper of the desert
97M’rakarDefender of the sun
98M’rirosWatcher of the night
99M’zharriGuardian of the lost
100M’zaroonKeeper of the wilderness

Female Khajiit names starting with the letter “M,” along with their meanings

2M’roshaDaughter of the moon
3M’rahziPowerful and mysterious
4M’kariGentle and swift
5M’rathjaProtector of the sands
6M’vashaStar of the night
7M’rissaHealer of hearts
8M’vathiPure and strong
9M’rahBrave protector
10M’zharaNight’s beauty
11M’rahnKeeper of the secrets
12M’shiraGraceful one
13M’zorahBorn from the stars
14M’rajaDaughter of the sun
15M’kiraLeader of the moon
16M’zhirraShining through the darkness
17M’rahzahShadow of the moon
18M’zrahnBorn under the moonlight
19M’riimSilent as a whisper
20M’niraBright and luminous
21M’harazKeeper of the secrets
22M’nazraHunter of the stars
23M’khalzaSpirit of the desert
24M’raheraJoyful in the moonlight
25M’shaviGift from the moon
26M’riiraStrong and unyielding
27M’khenraBeneath the stars
28M’holiaProtector of the sacred lands
30M’thessaCourageous spirit
31M’liiraSerene and calm
32M’valsaDaughter of the earth
33M’kharaKeeper of wisdom
34M’ziiraReflection of the moon
35M’vashaPeaceful night
36M’kashaRadiant spirit
37M’niraOne who walks in silence
38M’rasziProtector of the path
39M’khariSilent warrior
40M’rohzaProtector of the sands
41M’ashaStarlight in the darkness
42M’kariSerene and strong
43M’nashaDaughter of the wind
44M’rahinaQuiet protector
45M’vorhaFaithful protector
46M’razaaQuiet grace
47M’rhiraBenevolent heart
48M’liiSilent beauty
49M’sharraProtector of the people
50M’zalliaSpirit of the stars
51M’katriDefender of the night
52M’liissaSilent warrior of the sands
53M’zohraBrave in the face of adversity
54M’thessaProtector of peace
55M’shiraGuardian of the wilderness
56M’kaliyaMoonlight dance
57M’lorhaGuardian of the winds
58M’kashaLight of the dawn
59M’razzhaStar shining in the night
60M’niraWanderer of the wilds
61M’vorraHidden in the shadows
62M’riinaSilent in the night
63M’kailaCalm in the storm
64M’rahaGentle protector
65M’rohiDaughter of the sun
66M’riivahCourageous spirit
67M’shiraWatchful protector
68M’zarahGuardian of the wilderness
69M’zovahMoonlit beauty
70M’razaaGuardian of the sands
71M’tharraRadiant in the night
72M’khenraSilent beauty of the night
73M’razaaProtector of life
74M’zharaShining star of hope
75M’rahnSilent beauty of the sands
76M’zalliProtector of the moon
77M’varaLight of the moon
78M’sharaBrave protector
79M’riiraSpirit of the moon
80M’viiraBenevolent soul
81M’nashaGraceful beauty
82M’raeraBrave heart
83M’kheeraDefender of the moon
84M’vashaWise and powerful
85M’rahaDaughter of the stars
86M’zahraSpirit of wisdom
87M’karaQuiet beauty of the earth
88M’razaNight’s protector
89M’noraBorn under the stars
90M’khoziBright protector
91M’kavariShadow in the light
92M’rahnProtector of the moon
94M’riskaGift of the night
95M’zhiraGuardian of the moon
96M’kaliSpirit of the stars
97M’razziaPure protector
98M’lyhaShining through the darkness
99M’zelahGraceful warrior
100M’zaraMoon’s embrace

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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