200 Khajiit Names That Start With O (with Meanings)

By Daniel Cook

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Khajiit Names That Start With O

Looking for a Khajiit name that starts with “O”? I’ve got you! Here’s a list of “200 Khajiit Names That Start With O (With Meanings)” to help you find the perfect name. Each name has its own meaning to make it special.

Ready to choose the best Khajiit Names That Start With “O” name?

Male Khajiit names starting with the letter “O,” along with their meanings

1OrazirKeeper of the flame
2OrahmirNoble guardian
3OsharSilent hunter
4OmrenWise protector
5OrmazirFierce as the desert wind
6OzranBrave and steadfast
7OrvashShadow of the moon
8OshalirKeeper of peace
9OmzirBold spirit
10OrnathWatcher of the sands
11OrahzirGuardian of dreams
12OrivanStrong as a lion
13OzharProtector of the wild
14OmrithSwift as the wind
15OlvashGentle and wise
16OraphirKeeper of ancient knowledge
17OrnzirFierce heart
18OlzhanSilent strength
19OrazhanGuardian of harmony
20OmralBold and noble
21OshavirSpirit of the sands
22OrvahnStealthy and swift
23OrlazarProtector of kin
24OrahvanKeeper of secrets
25OmzharBrave pathfinder
26OzrinGentle and calm
27OrashirSeeker of truth
28OmrathDefender of the night
29OlvinKeeper of balance
30OmrazirGuardian of honor
31OrjinFierce guide
32OshranShadow in the wild
33OrviranWatchful guardian
34OmarinProtector of kin
35OzramirSilent flame
36OrahlinKeeper of light
37OrazarBrave soul
38OrnashGuardian of the lost
39OmvashSwift protector
40OrtharSteady and loyal
41OshamirNoble spirit
42OmnirWatcher of the stars
43OlzarinFierce and wise
44OrhanirDefender of dreams
45OmvahnKeeper of the dawn
46OraphanGuardian of shadows
47OrshinBold protector
48OzviranSilent guardian
49OrminSpirit of the moon
50OmirathProtector of peace
51OlzinKeeper of serenity
52OsharimBrave sentinel
53OmzrinSilent presence
54OrinashSeeker of wisdom
55OmvalStealthy shadow
56OravirDefender of harmony
57OmrizanKeeper of the flame
58OlrinNoble flame
59OshamWatchful guide
60OrlanirBold-hearted protector
61OzarinSilent and swift
62OramashGuardian of truth
63OmirathBrave and wise
64OshvarShadow of the stars
65OrlzirKeeper of tranquility
66OmvashirProtector of balance
67OraphenSpirit of strength
68OranirNoble watcher
69OmravenSilent as the night
70OlshanDefender of kin
71OrjhinWatcher of the wild
72OshviranGuardian of serenity
73OmralinSteady protector
74OzanirFierce and loyal
75OrmazhinKeeper of the stars
76OlvathGentle guardian
77OraznirWatchful and wise
78OshzanProtector of peace
79OmviranKeeper of light
80OrivashShadow in the sands
81OmralithDefender of truth
82OrlivanNoble and calm
83OrazhanirGuardian of hope
84OmrazanSpirit of the wild
85OlzaminBrave as a lion
86OshivarnProtector of dreams
87OmvalarKeeper of ancient lore
88OranashWatcher of kin
89OmrithanStealthy guide
90OrvanirNoble path
91OshmirFierce sentinel
92OmreshKeeper of courage
93OrlazanSilent heart
94OmvizhanProtector of the sands
95OrhamirSpirit of the stars
96OraphinGuardian of the night
97OshiranBrave and swift
98OlvirathNoble and bold
99OmrinathKeeper of serenity
100OrlivarnWatchful protector

Female Khajiit names starting with the letter “O,” along with their meanings

1OrynaGraceful moonlight
2OshiraProtector of wisdom
3OmiraKeeper of serenity
4OlvaniBright as dawn
5OraniraNoble spirit
6OzliraShadow dancer
7OlyraGentle whisper
8OshanyaBrave heart
9OmelvaKeeper of dreams
10OrlinaGuardian of light
11OsharvaWatcher of the stars
12OlzaraProtector of the wild
13OrzannaSpirit of strength
14OmaviaSilent grace
15OreliaNoble flame
16OmrilaSwift shadow
17OshylaKeeper of balance
18OrzanaSilent guardian
19OliriaBright soul
20OmyshaFierce protector
21OmirnaGentle spirit
22OshialaKeeper of harmony
23OryssaNoble watcher
24OshivnaProtector of peace
25OlvaraStealthy moon
26OzrinaSilent strength
27OrilvaGuardian of kin
28OmliraShadow of the sands
29OmariaBright as the stars
30OshivraWatchful protector
31OshanaKeeper of ancient secrets
32OlrivaSpirit of the night
33OrnishaBrave soul
34OzairaSwift guardian
35OrshaiaNoble seeker
36OmilraKeeper of the flame
37OshryaSilent moon
38OrylaraGraceful protector
39OlzinaWatcher of the wild
40OrleenaKeeper of truth
41OshivaraProtector of dreams
42OmislaFierce as the wind
43OmashaSpirit of serenity
44OrazinaNoble and wise
45OshiyaGentle as the breeze
46OmliaraKeeper of courage
47OmarshaProtector of the sands
48OlivaraWatchful spirit
49OrmeliaGraceful heart
50OmirshaBrave and loyal
51OshvelaKeeper of the stars
52OravinaGuardian of the night
53OlrishaNoble and fierce
54OmelliaProtector of the dawn
55OmivraBright protector
56OmzianaSilent watcher
57OrlinaiaGraceful flame
58OsharyaSeeker of balance
59OmlaraSpirit of strength
60OrvashaKeeper of hope
61OmshiraNoble heart
62OshvelaiaWatcher of serenity
63OziraiaFierce guide
64OlashaGentle protector
65OmelanaSpirit of wisdom
66OmzarshaSilent as the stars
67OrayanaBright as the moon
68OshniaKeeper of secrets
69OlshanaNoble flame
70OrashaFierce and calm
71OmrivaGuardian of kin
72OmziliaSilent grace
73OshrianaWatcher of peace
74OrvanaKeeper of light
75OmilaiaProtector of the stars
76OrazilaSpirit of courage
77OmilshaStealthy flame
78OshrinaNoble seeker
79OralisaBright heart
80OmsharaKeeper of tranquility
81OmaliaSilent flame
82OshillaGuardian of balance
83OzreliaFierce spirit
84OrayaGentle shadow
85OlzellaNoble as the dawn
86OmzaraWatchful light
87OrshayaKeeper of the night
88OlmiraProtector of the wild
89OmraziaSilent and wise
90OshvellaGraceful moon
91OmizaiaSpirit of the stars
92OrlianaBright as the sun
93OshaviraNoble and brave
94OmshanaKeeper of harmony
95OmeliraSilent protector
96OrvilaGuardian of peace
97OmellaraBright and steadfast
98OshrianProtector of kin
99OmaviaGentle as the stars
100OrviliaNoble spirit of the wild

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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