200 Khajiit Names That Start With U (with Meanings)

By Daniel Cook

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Khajiit Names That Start With U (with Meanings)

Looking for a Khajiit name that starts with “U”? I’ve got you covered! Check out this list of “200 Khajiit Names That Start With U (With Meanings)” to find the perfect fit. Each name has a special meaning, adding something extra to your character.

Ready to pick the best “U” name? Click below to explore the full list!

Male Khajiit names starting with the letter “U,” along with their meanings

1Uldaar Fierce protector 
2Urzhan Shadowed blade 
3Urazir Noble hunter 
4Ulnir Silent guardian 
5Ushaar Swift as wind 
6Umzarr Keeper of secrets 
7Uralith Bold warrior 
8Ulthar Moonlit shadow 
9Urathir Stealthy prowler 
10Uzdar Silent hunter 
11Urzaan Brave defender 
12Umthar Gentle giant 
13Ushira Mystic wanderer 
14Ulthir Quick thinker 
15Uldarin Shadow of dawn 
16Uzarn Guardian of kin 
17Urithan Wise protector 
18Uvash Silent strength 
19Uldin Noble guide 
20Ujarr Swift hunter 
21Urmir Fierce heart 
22Umirr Brave soul 
23Ulasir Keeper of peace 
24Ulzan Quick-witted 
25Uziran Strong defender 
26Uralan Watchful eye 
27Ulrith Silent watcher 
28Uvaar Calm warrior 
29Ushanir Protector of the lost 
30Uldran Noble heart 
31Umzhar Swift spirit 
32Ulrash Keeper of dreams 
33Urzhaar Shadowy guide 
34Umith Bearer of strength 
35Uthar Silent storm 
36Uldrim Guardian of wisdom 
37Ushaar Noble protector 
38Umzar Brave heart 
39Urdan Mystic shade 
40Uzhir Keeper of lore 
41Ulzaar Defender in darkness 
42Urizar Stealthy warrior 
43Umath Quick blade 
44Ulnar Wise leader 
45Uvaris Noble soul 
46Uldaz Calm presence 
47Usharn Guardian of shadows 
48Umrah Protector of kin 
49Ulimir Bright flame 
50Uzrak Fierce protector 
51Urshan Brave mind 
52Ulmar Keeper of the silent 
53Uzarith Swift spirit 
54Ulrashir Silent as the night 
55Umrath Watchful sentinel 
56Urilith Guardian of honor 
57Uldath Quiet strength 
58Ushrith Stealthy presence 
59Umzad Protector in darkness 
60Urzaar Noble hunter 
61Ulzhar Calm shadow 
62Uzirath Silent keeper 
63Umzor Swift protector 
64Uldiran Guardian of peace 
65Ushar Noble flame 
66Urdimar Fierce guardian 
67Umithar Stealthy watcher 
68Uzran Shadowed protector 
69Urvan Brave heart 
70Ulzahir Protector of dreams 
71Ushrith Gentle giant 
72Umrad Keeper of silence 
73Ulamir Wise spirit 
74Uridan Shadow of peace 
75Urdar Noble guide 
76Ulram Calm warrior 
77Uzira Watchful guardian 
78Urthir Bold shade 
79Uldathir Keeper of the flame 
80Umiran Gentle watcher 
81Ushidar Fierce protector 
82Uzald Swift seeker 
83Umrathir Shadowed presence 
84Ulzir Keeper of truth 
85Uzhara Noble strength 
86Umroth Bearer of peace 
87Urvash Silent guardian 
88Ulmarith Watchful warrior 
89Ushirath Calm spirit 
90Uldanir Shadowed guide 
91Umrith Keeper of lore 
92Uzhaan Protector of kin 
93Ulramith Silent watcher 
94Uldorim Fierce heart 
95Urzil Bold defender 
96Umrithan Stealthy protector 
97Ulzanir Brave mind 
98Ushad Calm hunter 
99Urdiran Keeper of the night 
100Uzram Noble presence 

Female Khajiit names starting with the letter “U,” along with their meanings

1Uldira Silent guardian 
2Urasha Graceful hunter 
3Umezira Moonlit shadow 
4Ulzara Fierce protector 
5Ushani Swift as wind 
6Urala Keeper of peace 
7Ulshira Noble soul 
8Umdira Wise guide 
9Uzaria Protector of secrets 
10Urmira Shadowed spirit 
11Ulzani Gentle heart 
12Ushara Silent watcher 
13Umara Graceful warrior 
14Ulzira Bold shadow 
15Urithra Stealthy pathfinder 
16Ushira Noble light 
17Uvashira Swift in spirit 
18Umidara Guardian of kin 
19Uzrani Silent protector 
20Uldara Keeper of ancient lore 
21Umania Bright flame 
22Ulira Calm strength 
23Uralith Shadow of dawn 
24Ushani Guardian of dreams 
25Umira Gentle soul 
26Ulzana Noble warrior 
27Uzara Protector in darkness 
28Ushira Wise healer 
29Umithra Keeper of the flame 
30Uldira Brave heart 
31Ulrani Calm presence 
32Uvimira Silent strength 
33Umzarith Guardian of the night 
34Ushirra Bright spirit 
35Ulasha Protector of kin 
36Urilla Moonlit hunter 
37Umithra Steady guide 
38Ulvaria Fierce soul 
39Ushani Silent guardian 
40Umazira Keeper of harmony 
41Ulzani Swift shadow 
42Uralithra Protector of the lost 
43Umira Serene flame 
44Uthira Mystic guide 
45Uldrina Gentle protector 
46Ushari Graceful presence 
47Umzara Silent spirit 
48Urani Wise watcher 
49Ulzara Guardian of honor 
50Urasha Brave healer 
51Umith Keeper of secrets 
52Ulamira Calm heart 
53Ushala Noble strength 
54Ulthira Gentle flame 
55Urshani Protector of peace 
56Umzani Watchful guardian 
57Uldira Silent storm 
58Ushara Shadowy guide 
59Uvaria Fierce warrior 
60Umari Keeper of the past 
61Ulvira Bold guardian 
62Uldani Protector of lore 
63Ushaya Bright heart 
64Urmitha Keeper of harmony 
65Umithra Noble light 
66Ulrasha Guardian in shadows 
67Ulamira Silent watcher 
68Uzithra Protector of ancient knowledge 
69Urmira Calm warrior 
70Ulshani Shadow of peace 
71Ushira Fierce guide 
72Umara Gentle whisper 
73Uvimira Keeper of truth 
74Urzira Bold presence 
75Ulritha Guardian of silence 
76Uldanya Swift and sure 
77Ushira Protector of dreams 
78Umdara Noble healer 
79Umzani Quiet strength 
80Ulshara Graceful shadow 
81Uralithra Stealthy protector 
82Uzaya Bearer of secrets 
83Ulvani Silent flame 
84Ushanya Watchful spirit 
85Uldra Calm and wise 
86Umira Shadowed healer 
87Ulanira Guardian of the silent 
88Urzara Brave soul 
89Ulithra Keeper of dreams 
90Ushirra Serene guide 
91Ulmina Fierce heart 
92Umzara Noble presence 
93Uvimira Bright as the moon 
94Urdani Stealthy shadow 
95Uzrithra Keeper of peace 
96Ulzira Protector of kin 
97Ushira Calm spirit 
98Umzira Bearer of honor 
99Ulanira Guardian of knowledge 
100UzaraBright warrior

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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