200 Khajiit Names That Start With V (with Meanings)

By Daniel Cook

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Khajiit Names That Start With V

Looking for a Khajiit name that starts with “V”? I’ve got you covered! Check out my list of “200 Khajiit Names That Start With V (With Meanings)” to find a name that’s just right. Whether you’re playing a game or writing a story, these names will make your character special.

Each name on the list has its own meaning to give your character extra depth. From strong fighters to wise souls, there’s a name here for everyone.

Ready to find the perfect “V” name? Click below to see the full list and pick a name your Khajiit will love!

Male Khajiit names starting with the letter “V,” along with their meanings

1Varath Bold warrior 
2Vandro Swift hunter 
3Vazirr Silent shadow 
4Vythar Fierce protector 
5Vyrran Mystic guide 
6Vorath Noble leader 
7Velthar Quick thinker 
8Vandarr Stealthy night 
9Vashirr Keeper of secrets 
10Vimdar Courageous heart 
11Varmir Wise counselor 
12Vhassar Agile warrior 
13Vakaar Fearless defender 
14Varzir Silent stalker 
15Valdor Skilled tracker 
16Vorzir Swift blade 
17Valath Bright star 
18Vajirr Hidden danger 
19Vathir Sharp eye 
20Voran Noble soul 
21Vomdar Stealthy guardian 
22Vasmir Eternal flame 
23Vashir Protector of the weak 
24Valmar Wise elder 
25Vathan Silent step 
26V’darr Master of shadows 
27Vathmar Guardian of the night 
28Vimzir Quick as lightning 
29Vasharr Fearless leader 
30Valthar Stealthy hunter 
31Vomir Keeper of secrets 
32Valmir Swift as wind 
33Vashara Fierce protector 
34Varzirr Shadow in the night 
35Vathorr Skilled in combat 
36Valdar Guardian of the forest 
37Vathran Sharp-minded 
38Vashmir Silent watcher 
39Valmarr Swift hunter 
40Vathrira Wise elder 
41Valzira Stealthy warrior 
42Vashran Noble protector 
43Vormir Silent guardian 
44Vashmar Brave heart 
45Valmar Swift foot 
46Vathim Hidden blade 
47Vazzar Fierce night 
48Valdrir Guardian of the night 
49Vashir Silent protector 
50Varmar Wise hunter 
51Vythorr Swift shadow 
52Valzarr Stealthy protector 
53Vashnir Guardian of the silent 
54Valorr Swift as the wind 
55Vathir Sharp eye 
56Vasharr Silent guardian 
57Vathmar Stealthy leader 
58Valzirr Swift protector 
59Vashara Brave heart 
60Vathirra Quick as lightning 
61Vathran Guardian of secrets 
62Vashmir Stealthy shadow 
63Valzara Silent warrior 
64Vashdar Swift protector 
65Vathorr Hidden guardian 
66Vashrim Wise elder 
67Valath Stealthy hunter 
68Vashara Noble soul 
69Vathzar Silent step 
70Valmir Stealthy shadow 
71Vashmir Swift blade 
72Valorr Guardian of the night 
73Vashara Hidden danger 
74Vathir Sharp eye 
75Valmar Swift hunter 
76Vashor Brave leader 
77Valith Silent guardian 
78Vathirra Quick thinker 
79Vashran Noble protector 
80Valor Swift as the wind 
81Vashatha Stealthy warrior 
82Vathir Hidden guardian 
83Valmir Wise elder 
84Vashorr Silent protector 
85Vathar Stealthy leader 
86Vashmar Swift hunter 
87Valorr Guardian of secrets 
88Vashara Quick as lightning 
89Vathorr Hidden blade 
90Vashim Brave heart 
91Valmir Stealthy shadow 
92Vashnir Noble soul 
93Vathir Silent step 
94Vashara Sharp eye 
95Valir Guardian of the night 
96Vashmar Stealthy hunter 
97Vathorr Wise elder 
98Vashara Swift protector 
99Valmir Hidden guardian 
100Vasharr Brave warrior 

Female Khajiit names starting with the letter “V,” along with their meanings

1Varisha Elegant warrior 
2Vasira Gentle spirit 
3Valra Swift shadow 
4Vashara Protector of secrets 
5Veldira Noble guardian 
6Varathra Brave heart 
7Vamira Mystic light 
8Vindara Stealthy nightwalker 
9Vassira Keeper of mysteries 
10Valtira Wise hunter 
11Vashara Shadow in silence 
12Vemira Graceful warrior 
13Vassana Fierce protector 
14Valara Gentle heart 
15Valthira Guardian of peace 
16Varishra Spirit of the forest 
17Vilzara Swift like the wind 
18Vandira Noble soul 
19Vashara Defender in darkness 
20Varmira Light in the shadows 
21Valkira Silent observer 
22Vandira Protector of kin 
23Vashara Moonlit shadow 
24Valmira Courageous heart 
25Voratha Noble spirit 
26Vaalthira Swift guide 
27Vathira Keeper of the flame 
28Vildara Silent guardian 
29Valzira Stealthy soul 
30Vashara Protector of the lost 
31Vashala Bringer of peace 
32Volthira Guardian of dreams 
33Veldira Silent wanderer 
34Valina Wise healer 
35Vandra Hidden strength 
36Valashra Steady hand 
37Vamira Swift as the stars 
38Vandira Keeper of stories 
39Vashira Bright spirit 
40Valthira Protector of ancient wisdom 
41Varalith Shadowy watcher 
42Vasira Graceful guardian 
43Vandri Wise defender 
44Vashani Silent strength 
45Vamira Bearer of secrets 
46Vathira Serene leader 
47Valdra Skilled in healing 
48Vilsha Quick-witted 
49Vashara Watchful protector 
50Valsha Silent storm 
51Veldira Fierce heart 
52Valzira Guardian of silence 
53Vandara Strong-willed 
54Valmira Guardian of peace 
55Vashara Silent flame 
56Vamira Protector of the night 
57Vandara Watchful eye 
58Vathra Bearer of strength 
59Velzara Noble protector 
60Vashima Keeper of lore 
61Valora Silent whisper 
62Vilara Swift of foot 
63Valthira Quiet strength 
64Valara Elegant wisdom 
65Vashar Guardian in darkness 
66Vandira Gentle guide 
67Valthara Defender of light 
68Vashara Bringer of calm 
69Vilrana Swift and sure 
70Valitha Mystic protector 
71Vashra Voice of reason 
72Vandira Keeper of harmony 
73Valshira Gentle strength 
74Vamira Wise healer 
75Vashaara Keeper of secrets 
76Valmira Brave heart 
77Vashara Protector of the vulnerable 
78Veldira Noble heart 
79Varithra Swift spirit 
80Vathira Ancient soul 
81Vilsha Silent as the dawn 
82Vandari Guardian of kin 
83Valthira Voice of calm 
84Vandira Bearer of wisdom 
85Vasira Keeper of the past 
86Valira Defender in darkness 
87Vathra Swift protector 
88Vashara Keeper of dreams 
89Vilzira Guardian of stillness 
90Vashara Mystic warrior 
91Veldara Gentle leader 
92Vamira Bearer of hope 
93Valthira Wise guide 
94Vandora Guardian of the forest 
95Valdrira Strong-willed heart 
96Vashara Eternal light 
97Vilzara Silent watcher 
98Vandira Stealthy warrior 
99Vashira Guardian of secrets 
100Valthira Protector of the silent 

Daniel Cook

Hi there! I'm Daniel Cook, a 30-year-old gamer who loves exploring the Elder Scrolls as a Khajiit. I created khajiitnames.com to share cool Khajiit stuff. Gaming is my joy—I love exploring virtual worlds. Let's share our adventures and connect over our passion for immersive gaming experiences!

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