Are you looking for the perfect name for your Khajiit character from Morrowind? You’re in the right place!
I’ve made a list of “300 Morrowind Khajiit Names (With Meanings)” just for you. Whether you’re playing Elder Scrolls or writing your own story, these names will make your character stand out.
Each name is chosen to show the unique culture and history of Morrowind Khajiit. From fierce warriors to wise mages, every name has a special meaning that adds depth to your character.
Ready to find the perfect name for your Morrowind Khajiit?
Morrowind Khajiit Names With Their Meanings
No | Name | Meaning |
1 | Ja’rath | Guardian of the dunes |
2 | Ra’zorin | Shadow of the moon |
3 | M’aihran | Seeker of wisdom |
4 | Sa’berin | Voice of the sands |
5 | Ka’vash | Protector of the wilds |
6 | Da’lorin | Keeper of secrets |
7 | Va’rith | Hunter of the stars |
8 | Fa’ronir | Brave pathfinder |
9 | Ba’lanar | Watcher of the moons |
10 | Zo’mirah | Whisperer of the dunes |
11 | Ko’varan | Defender of the tribe |
12 | Sha’ziran | Wielder of shadows |
13 | Ta’borin | Master of the sands |
14 | Ar’nazar | Wanderer of the stars |
15 | Ba’kashan | Protector of the kin |
16 | Ma’lethin | Keeper of the flame |
17 | Ra’balan | Healer of the desert |
18 | Sha’darun | Moonlit traveler |
19 | Za’rimah | Warrior of the wild |
20 | Ka’varin | Guardian of peace |
21 | Na’lethis | Bearer of hope |
22 | Ja’rovin | Defender of justice |
23 | Va’zelan | Voice of the winds |
24 | Sa’morath | Moon’s blessing |
25 | Za’norim | Hunter of truth |
26 | Ba’thonar | Keeper of balance |
27 | Sha’delith | Light of the stars |
28 | Ta’vashin | Seeker of paths |
29 | Ka’narath | Guardian of lore |
30 | Fa’dalor | Whisperer of peace |
31 | Va’limar | Watcher of the skies |
32 | Zo’brenith | Traveler of the dunes |
33 | Ma’kareth | Protector of wisdom |
34 | Ba’morin | Keeper of the moon |
35 | Sa’tharen | Pathfinder of light |
36 | Ar’navash | Wanderer of the desert |
37 | Ja’bareth | Bearer of strength |
38 | Ko’malith | Shield of the tribe |
39 | Sha’daroth | Whisperer of shadows |
40 | Va’linar | Guide of the sands |
41 | Na’varin | Keeper of ancient knowledge |
42 | Ka’morath | Guardian of the flame |
43 | Ma’tharin | Bringer of harmony |
44 | Ra’vashar | Hunter of the night |
45 | Zo’naroth | Protector of the wild |
46 | Ba’rathen | Voice of reason |
47 | Fa’lorin | Keeper of the stars |
48 | Sa’zenar | Bearer of tranquility |
49 | Ta’delorn | Guardian of the winds |
50 | Va’morath | Defender of the kin |
51 | Ar’vazin | Warden of the dunes |
52 | Ja’lenith | Light of the moon |
53 | Ma’loren | Keeper of secrets |
54 | Sha’velorn | Whisperer of stars |
55 | Zo’mareth | Protector of the tribe |
56 | Na’tharin | Seeker of harmony |
57 | Fa’benir | Bringer of balance |
58 | Ba’rathin | Guardian of truth |
59 | Sa’vishar | Hunter of serenity |
60 | Va’daroth | Guide of the desert |
61 | Ka’zanith | Defender of the wilds |
62 | Ra’lenor | Watcher of the dunes |
63 | Ar’morath | Keeper of lore |
64 | Ja’beloth | Shield of wisdom |
65 | Zo’rathen | Voice of courage |
66 | Ta’linar | Protector of light |
67 | Na’morath | Guardian of ancient paths |
68 | Ma’delorn | Whisperer of strength |
69 | Fa’zenith | Seeker of tranquility |
70 | Ba’vishar | Bearer of peace |
71 | Sha’malorn | Keeper of harmony |
72 | Ra’naroth | Bringer of clarity |
73 | Va’loren | Guardian of the night |
74 | Ka’mareth | Protector of the sacred |
75 | Sa’linar | Defender of the sands |
76 | Ma’benith | Watcher of the moon |
77 | Zo’lenith | Keeper of serenity |
78 | Ta’loren | Whisperer of truth |
79 | Fa’varoth | Guide of the wild |
80 | Na’velorn | Guardian of ancient winds |
81 | Ar’beloth | Bringer of strength |
82 | Ja’zaroth | Voice of the stars |
83 | Va’lenor | Protector of the dunes |
84 | Ba’tharin | Keeper of the kin |
85 | Sa’melorn | Seeker of hidden paths |
86 | Ka’vishen | Defender of justice |
87 | Ma’rathen | Bearer of the sacred flame |
88 | Zo’melin | Shield of the stars |
89 | Fa’lorim | Keeper of the winds |
90 | Ra’zaroth | Guide of the night |
91 | Va’belin | Voice of the wilds |
92 | Ar’thanar | Bringer of hope |
93 | Ba’morath | Guardian of wisdom |
94 | Na’rathen | Defender of peace |
95 | Ta’belorn | Keeper of courage |
96 | Sa’lenith | Whisperer of the stars |
97 | Ka’loren | Protector of harmony |
98 | Zo’varim | Watcher of the sacred |
99 | Ma’mareth | Shield of the night |
100 | Fa’norath | Seeker of serenity |
101 | Ra’morin | Bringer of dawn |
102 | Ba’zarith | Guardian of the sands |
103 | Na’belorn | Keeper of dreams |
104 | Ta’varin | Seeker of shadows |
105 | Sa’rathor | Defender of the stars |
106 | Zo’melor | Whisperer of destiny |
107 | Ka’vanel | Shield of the ancient |
108 | Va’linor | Protector of wisdom |
109 | Ma’tharin | Guide of the lost |
110 | Ar’nelor | Guardian of the sacred path |
111 | Ja’lorath | Bringer of strength |
112 | Ba’melith | Voice of the desert |
113 | Sa’zenor | Keeper of the flame |
114 | Fa’mareth | Watcher of the skies |
115 | Ra’belith | Seeker of truth |
116 | Ka’lorath | Defender of harmony |
117 | Zo’ravin | Keeper of ancient wisdom |
118 | Va’morith | Whisperer of the wilds |
119 | Na’lenor | Shield of the night |
120 | Ma’varin | Protector of the dunes |
121 | Ta’mareth | Bringer of peace |
122 | Fa’linar | Guardian of the winds |
123 | Sa’melith | Bearer of the stars |
124 | Zo’benor | Keeper of the sands |
125 | Ra’vanel | Defender of serenity |
126 | Ba’ravin | Seeker of the wild |
127 | Ka’nelith | Shield of the dawn |
128 | Va’tharin | Protector of ancient paths |
129 | Ar’loren | Voice of courage |
130 | Ja’zenith | Bringer of harmony |
131 | Na’lorath | Guardian of the sacred flame |
132 | Fa’melorn | Keeper of the stars |
133 | Ta’vanel | Watcher of hidden paths |
134 | Ba’lenith | Bearer of the sacred winds |
135 | Sa’morin | Seeker of ancient wisdom |
136 | Zo’loren | Shield of the moon |
137 | Ra’melith | Whisperer of the dunes |
138 | Ka’rathor | Protector of the kin |
139 | Va’lorath | Keeper of serenity |
140 | Ma’benor | Guardian of harmony |
141 | Na’varin | Defender of peace |
142 | Ta’zenith | Voice of the wilds |
143 | Fa’loren | Bringer of strength |
144 | Sa’mareth | Keeper of the sacred path |
145 | Ba’lorath | Whisperer of ancient secrets |
146 | Ra’melorn | Shield of the desert |
147 | Zo’vanel | Bearer of hope |
148 | Va’nelith | Guardian of tranquility |
149 | Ka’morin | Watcher of the stars |
150 | Ar’tharin | Protector of the lost |
151 | Fa’nelor | Bringer of wisdom |
152 | Sa’belith | Voice of courage |
153 | Ba’mareth | Keeper of the sands |
154 | Na’zenor | Shield of the sacred flame |
155 | Ra’lorath | Defender of the night |
156 | Ma’loren | Watcher of the winds |
157 | Ta’vanel | Whisperer of strength |
158 | Ka’linar | Keeper of hidden secrets |
159 | Zo’rathin | Seeker of harmony |
160 | Va’morath | Bringer of balance |
161 | Ar’belorn | Protector of the kin |
162 | Ja’melorn | Bearer of ancient truths |
163 | Fa’ravin | Guardian of the wild |
164 | Ba’loren | Keeper of the stars |
165 | Sa’nelith | Voice of tranquility |
166 | Zo’belorn | Shield of the sacred winds |
167 | Ra’varin | Seeker of clarity |
168 | Na’zenith | Protector of the dunes |
169 | Ma’lorath | Defender of the flame |
170 | Ta’morath | Keeper of the sacred night |
171 | Ka’lenor | Whisperer of serenity |
172 | Ba’melorn | Guardian of peace |
173 | Va’benor | Seeker of harmony |
174 | Ra’nelor | Voice of ancient wisdom |
175 | Fa’lorath | Bringer of hope |
176 | Zo’morath | Protector of the stars |
177 | Sa’linor | Shield of the wilds |
178 | Ar’lorath | Keeper of courage |
179 | Ka’morin | Whisperer of the winds |
180 | Ma’zenor | Guardian of tranquility |
181 | Ta’ravin | Voice of the dunes |
182 | Na’belorn | Watcher of the night |
183 | Va’lorath | Bringer of balance |
184 | Zo’lenor | Shield of the sacred stars |
185 | Fa’loren | Keeper of peace |
186 | Sa’mareth | Protector of ancient secrets |
187 | Ra’morath | Defender of the sacred flame |
188 | Ba’vanel | Watcher of the winds |
189 | Ka’lorath | Keeper of harmony |
190 | Na’zenor | Whisperer of ancient paths |
191 | Ta’loren | Voice of the stars |
192 | Zo’melith | Bringer of strength |
193 | Va’loren | Guardian of the dunes |
194 | Fa’zenith | Bearer of ancient truths |
195 | Ra’belorn | Shield of the wilds |
196 | Sa’morin | Keeper of the moonlight |
197 | Ba’rathor | Defender of the night |
198 | Ma’vanel | Whisperer of the sacred winds |
199 | Ka’mareth | Protector of the stars |
200 | Ar’lorath | Guardian of hidden truths |
201 | Dar’jiir | Silent shadow |
202 | S’randar | Swift traveler |
203 | Ja’khal | Fierce warrior |
204 | M’aiq | Truth seeker |
205 | Ka’zar | Keeper of secrets |
206 | Ra’vash | Desert flame |
207 | Ba’dari | Wise spirit |
208 | Ri’kahli | Golden hunter |
209 | Zar’thaj | Moonlit blade |
210 | Sa’varra | Guardian of winds |
211 | Ja’rasha | Fire-born soul |
212 | Ba’zhir | Noble heart |
213 | Ko’rath | Protector of kin |
214 | S’varan | Keeper of balance |
215 | Ra’daash | Wanderer of sands |
216 | Ja’riin | Silver shadow |
217 | Dar’ralis | Spirit of the wild |
218 | Ka’rishar | Guardian of dusk |
219 | Ba’rasha | Bold protector |
220 | Ri’sharra | Light of the moon |
221 | Ja’varren | Storm runner |
222 | S’rinjar | Silent stalker |
223 | Ra’khaji | Flame of the wilds |
224 | Ba’thalar | Eternal guardian |
225 | Zar’vosh | Mystic wanderer |
226 | Ri’darash | Whisper of the dunes |
227 | Sa’riina | Protector of dawn |
228 | Ka’vaar | Seeker of peace |
229 | Ja’zor | Hunter of truth |
230 | Dar’ranth | Keeper of the sands |
231 | Ra’shal | Bold leader |
232 | Sa’larin | Moonlit protector |
233 | Ri’vashar | Spirit of strength |
234 | Ka’darr | Keeper of honor |
235 | Ja’valis | Swift flame |
236 | Ba’khir | Desert wanderer |
237 | Dar’shiir | Guardian of serenity |
238 | S’vandar | Light-bringer |
239 | Ra’kalith | Blade of the stars |
240 | Ka’zandar | Guardian of mysteries |
241 | Ja’shiro | Storm protector |
242 | Dar’riin | Silver protector |
243 | Ri’tharan | Guardian of courage |
244 | Sa’vosh | Desert mystic |
245 | Ra’darash | Seeker of the winds |
246 | Ka’rallis | Spirit of tranquility |
247 | S’rasha | Flame of the night |
248 | Ja’thalar | Shadow of the stars |
249 | Ba’valis | Eternal warrior |
250 | Ri’khalis | Moonlit guide |
251 | Ka’zir | Keeper of the flame |
252 | Ja’varis | Hunter of shadows |
253 | S’ralar | Wanderer of the dusk |
254 | Ba’drosh | Storm-born soul |
255 | Dar’shavar | Light of the desert |
256 | Ra’vandar | Eternal protector |
257 | Sa’rakaar | Seeker of harmony |
258 | Ka’vrash | Guardian of twilight |
259 | Ja’khari | Blade of the wilds |
260 | Ri’valis | Keeper of the stars |
261 | Dar’loran | Whisper of the wild |
262 | Ba’vashar | Light of courage |
263 | S’rathis | Spirit of balance |
264 | Ja’raven | Silent protector |
265 | Ka’riin | Eternal stalker |
266 | Ra’thalis | Spirit of honor |
267 | Dar’khaji | Flame of serenity |
268 | Sa’varris | Moonlit blade |
269 | Ri’ralor | Seeker of strength |
270 | Ka’lash | Guardian of secrets |
271 | Ba’varran | Light of the sands |
272 | S’radash | Wanderer of the night |
273 | Ja’ziris | Keeper of the wild |
274 | Dar’vashar | Bold guardian |
275 | Ka’shalar | Blade of peace |
276 | Ra’vaaris | Eternal flame |
277 | Sa’rilith | Guardian of tranquility |
278 | Ba’vros | Storm-born protector |
279 | Ri’shavar | Keeper of harmony |
280 | S’randir | Silent guardian |
281 | Dar’valis | Bold light |
282 | Ka’rithar | Eternal seeker |
283 | Ja’shiroth | Spirit of the winds |
284 | Ba’rakal | Protector of the stars |
285 | Ra’drath | Hunter of shadows |
286 | Sa’rithis | Keeper of peace |
287 | Ri’vandar | Guardian of the dunes |
288 | Ka’valar | Storm-born warrior |
289 | Ja’rosh | Flame of the wilds |
290 | Ba’khalis | Blade of the night |
291 | Dar’ravon | Whisper of the stars |
292 | Ka’zarith | Spirit of dawn |
293 | Ra’shalis | Moonlit seeker |
294 | S’vathar | Eternal traveler |
295 | Ja’valisth | Bold flame |
296 | Ba’randar | Keeper of shadows |
297 | Dar’shalor | Guardian of serenity |
298 | Ri’vashir | Whisper of courage |
299 | Sa’roran | Protector of the winds |
300 | Ka’vranis | Light of the night |